April 10, 2020
I have been doing some more thinking about schooling and some of the things I am doing to reinforce good actions from the grand-kids or I have done to encourage good papers or tests from my children. I realize what works for some doesn't work for others and the number of your children and their ages makes a difference in what you as a mother are able to do.
I found I could not try to grade every paper. When I had our four and was schooling them it made me a slave to the paperwork. So, like I said in an earlier post, I had the girls checks their papers over, mark the errors, and correct their work.
When I was only schooling Missy and the others had grown we had a fun little box full of gifts. If she got her papers correct she got points. Tests were worth more points than daily work. Missy was responsible for keeping track of her points. Prizes varied on how many points they would take. Some of the prizes cost me more money than others and they required more points. At the end of the week she got to pick a prize or she could accumulate her points and use them to get a bigger prize to pick when she had enough points for it. It was a good encouragement for her to do good work at school.
Now that I have grand-kids I still have a box with prizes in it. It usually has items worth one dollar in it. I use it to reinforce positive actions such as potty training or good behavior while the grands are at my house or to award a prize for 'work' from the little ones. They have a ball looking through all the things in it and picking out a gift for themselves. Good memory maker!
I also want to put a plug in for a book I haven't really read but heard about on a program from Dr. Dobson some years back. Ironically Missy read it and as their aunt implemented some of it's ideas. on the grand-kids when they would come! They loved her positive reinforcements and ideas and her implementation helped me too! It is called Creative Correction by Lisa Whenchel.
Have fun with your kids and grand-kids. They are precious and grow up way to quickly!!
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