Monday, April 18, 2022

Testimony of God's goodness


Since returning from our time in Arizona I have wanted to write this little testimony of our time there and God's goodness. 

As most of you know Gail loves to team rope.  He has only really started to compete in the last few years.  He has worked hard at improving and learning and he has had some great help along the way, for which we have been very grateful! 

This winter Gail sort of hit a slump.  He wasn't catching as many steers as he needed to.  Needless to say, he was disappointed to miss for his heelers and also to be putting money out for entries and not winning much back.  A time or two he 'thought' about packing up and heading back home to Colorado early.  But he didn't - he stayed in Arizona and practiced harder.  He asked for help and worked on what he learned. 

The NTR finals were the first week of March.  Gail roped in the ropings he was interested in early in the week and did well.  He did not win but he caught.  He came back in the short go and was able to rope well under the pressure.  We went back to our little 'home' there and gave God thanks that he caught and roped good even though he didn't win.  We felt like our prayers had been answered.

 A young man who had become a friend of Gail's asked Gail to rope with him on Saturday.  We had thought we'd be on our way home by then but stayed to rope one last time.  This was a pick one partner and draw a partner.  We had really hoped Gail and his young friend would do good.  Didn't end up that way but Gail and the draw partner ended up winning the roping.  They each won saddles and some entry fee money back.  

We really feel like God blessed Gail for his determination and hard work, for giving God the thanks regardless of not winning, and for staying to help his young friend out.  


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Give thanks always....

 Last night at Valley Cowboy Church, Trent preached a great sermon from Philippians 4:2-9.  I was excited to hear what he had to say about my favorite verses in the Bible. 

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness[d] be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I have usually thought about these verses when I am anxious and I would be centered on that thought, quoting this verse to help me not be anxious. Last night I really heard him talk about the thanksgiving part. PRAY and BE THANKFUL!  Most of the time I do pray but I'm not thankful.  Rather I worry and pray and worry.  I was reminded to pray and then be thankful!!  I was committed to doing that and started a page in my prayer journal this morning for things I was thankful for.  I hope to add to it daily as I pray for others from my journal.  

Then I was asked to listen to Charles Stanley's devotional today.  It talked about staying young by staying in service to our Lord. He is in never done with us but always has work for us to do. This is what it had to say: 

Staying young while growing old begins with your mind. Never stop listening to the Father and learning from His Word. Allow godly thinking to shape your attitude. Be thankful, never stop laughing, and rejoice in your Lord. Above all, keep believing and loving Him with all your heart. 

May we keep serving, keep learning, keep thanking, keep laughing, and keep rejoicing!!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Born for such a time as this.....

 This is a blog I have been thinking about writing since last October.  The theme is "You were born for such a time as this" or 'Do what God had called you to do where you are".  

Years ago as Gail and I started our family and the direction for our family, we made some decisions about where we felt God was calling us. We finished school, purchased our farm, and built our house.  Then there were lots of needs and things calling for our time and energy.  Gail and I began to be involved in community organizations. Soon there were opportunities to go up the ladder and to be more and more involved.  That is when we talked together and sought God for His calling for us.  We felt we needed to use our time to further God's kingdom and His work.  We still feel this is our calling. This is the calling we all have as believers.  God wants to use us where we are. 

God has put you here in this world at this time.  Can I encourage you to seek what God has for you to do at this time and the place where you are and the age you are?  There is no task too small or big. 

Sometimes I wish I was in Washington DC or Denver 'doing' for the Lord. Sometimes I wish I lived in another century as things now are pretty hard.  Then I am reminded that God did not call me to another land and God did not have me born in another century.   I need to serve where I am and NOW!  

Listen to the gentle nudgings of the Holy Spirit.  Be in constant fellowship with the Lord.  HE will direct your paths. God will show you what he wants from you for His kingdom.  The needs are many!

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14