Sunday, April 3, 2022

Born for such a time as this.....

 This is a blog I have been thinking about writing since last October.  The theme is "You were born for such a time as this" or 'Do what God had called you to do where you are".  

Years ago as Gail and I started our family and the direction for our family, we made some decisions about where we felt God was calling us. We finished school, purchased our farm, and built our house.  Then there were lots of needs and things calling for our time and energy.  Gail and I began to be involved in community organizations. Soon there were opportunities to go up the ladder and to be more and more involved.  That is when we talked together and sought God for His calling for us.  We felt we needed to use our time to further God's kingdom and His work.  We still feel this is our calling. This is the calling we all have as believers.  God wants to use us where we are. 

God has put you here in this world at this time.  Can I encourage you to seek what God has for you to do at this time and the place where you are and the age you are?  There is no task too small or big. 

Sometimes I wish I was in Washington DC or Denver 'doing' for the Lord. Sometimes I wish I lived in another century as things now are pretty hard.  Then I am reminded that God did not call me to another land and God did not have me born in another century.   I need to serve where I am and NOW!  

Listen to the gentle nudgings of the Holy Spirit.  Be in constant fellowship with the Lord.  HE will direct your paths. God will show you what he wants from you for His kingdom.  The needs are many!

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

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