Thursday, April 30, 2020

Preachin' to the choir....

April 30, 2020

Good morning!  Just a note of encouragement for you (and me). 

It is one of those days where I am starting to be rain, very dry, getting busy with cattle work (brandings, moving the cows to summer pasture which requires some sorting), what is the virus going to do, can we go ahead with summer plans?   You have your own list of concerns.

As I read this morning I was convicted of letting it all go.  Luke 18:15 says to come to Christ as a child.  You can remember being a child with no worries.  Just looking forward to summer vacation and Christmas!  We need to be more like children - trusting God as we go and enjoying where we are. ( I have loved staying home and working in the yard, maybe doing a little baking! How about you?)

I also heard Steve Friskup on Facebook this morning.  He said about the same thing.  He mentioned it is good to read scripture aloud to encourage us and keep us steady and firm in our faith.  These are the verses he used.  I Chronicles 16:8-13

Oh give thanks to the Lordcall upon his name;
    make known his deeds among the peoples!
Sing to him, sing praises to him;
    tell of all his wondrous works!
10 Glory in his holy name;
    let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
11 Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!
12 Remember the wondrous works that he has done,
    his miracles and the judgments he uttered,
13 O offspring of Israel his servant,
    children of Jacob, his chosen ones!

So let us have the joy and peace of a child, trusting and praising our God and Savior all day long!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Look good - Feel good - Do good!

April 28, 2020

You've heard the title of today's blog before.  I think there is a lot of truth to it.

I am challenging you today to LOOK GOOD each day.  You don't have to put on your best clothes to be 'staying' around home but look presentable.  Don't be dressed all day in your pajamas or sweats. Fix your hair (sometimes this means WASH your hair!).  Put on some make up. Doesn't take alot! If you are going somewhere do a little more to look great.  Give yourself a mirror check! If you look good you will feel better about yourself and others will respond better to you.

You will FEEL GOOD! You will find you will have more energy. You will feel better about yourself and your environment and your situation.

THEN you are ready to DO GOOD! You are much more likely to get some special projects done, or to pick up the house, or to take the time to do something for someone else.  You will probably 'act' nicer and I bet your will find those around will act nicer towards you too!

I have a little story about my grandmother, Dorothy Green, who lived in the town I grew up in.  I was blessed to see her often!  Each day she got up and put on her dress and hose.  She then fixed Grandad breakfast before he left for work.  He came home for lunch each day and his meal was always ready.

This is the neat thing though.  At four o'clock she went upstairs and freshened up so she'd look good when Grandad came home at five.  They had a great marriage and were great friends and spend many wonderful years together. 

I have tried to remember her example by being presentable as much as possible.  I know my husband really appreciates it.  Looking good, feeling good, doing good is profitable for myself, my marriage, my family and all those I come into contact with.

Have fun and have a good day!

Friday, April 24, 2020

A REST is good for kids.....

April 24,2020

Just a brief encouragement for all you moms out there....

Having your kids lay down for a time to rest is a great thing to do.  It gets them out of the hubbub of life for a little bit.  It is good for them to withdraw from all the family activity and lay down for a little rest.  They do not have to go to sleep but they need to go relax and have some quiet time.  They can read if they'd like.  Or another good activity is to listen to a CD or cassette tape (now that is dating me but there are still some around in some families that could be used - like Adventures in Odyssey).  This is a good activity because it lets the child listen and visualize in his or her mind what is going on as they listen. It is very good brain development.

Do not let them have phones or tablets or whatever else is out there. This is a time of quietness for them and is not a time of entertainment so watching TV does not count. 

ALSO  it is is good for you moms out there.  It gives you a chance to regroup and have some quiet too!!

Give this a try and you will all be blessed!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Defrosting You Freezer

April 24, 2020

Just a quick note about defrosting your chest freezer...

Last week I defrosted my chest freezer.  Gail had been after me to do this for some time.  It is sure easy to lose track of what is in them.  It was a blessing to do this job and I found I had lots more frozen foods that I thought or knew about.  SO it is a good thing to do in term of knowing what is in your freezer BUT....

Defrosting also needs done to remove the ice that accumulates on the sides.  We are blessed now to have refrigerators that are frost free.  I used to remember my mom defrosting the top freezer in her refrigerator.  What a mess!

HINT - There is an easy way and safe way to do it!! 

  1. Unplug your freezer.
  2. Empty the contents.  I just stacked it all in a pile and put a blanket over it to keep cold while I defrosted.
  3. Bring a couple of large pans to a boil with water in them.  Set them in your freezer and shut the lid.  You may have to do reheat the water and do this two times if the ice is real thick.  
  4. Wait for the ice to fall off of the sides of the freezer.  It will be in big pieces.  Lift the ice out and put it in the sink to thaw or throw it outside.  If you do this as soon as the ice falls off you don't have much water to get out of the bottom of the freezer.   
 I don't think it is a good idea to use a sharp instrument to remove the ice as you are liable to damage your freezer.  This hot water method is quick and safe. 

You are now ready to restock your freezer and


Monday, April 20, 2020

Memorizing scripture

April 21, 2020

Yesterday I mentioned that we would be looking at memorizing scripture.  Knowing scripture is very important to having victory in our spiritual lives. It is not easy....takes work...need to continually work at it...need to keep reviewing what we have learned.

Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas (He is a great preacher.  Tune into his messages if you can.) says:

     Memorized scripture
  1. provides wise counsel throughout life
  2. is a faithful friend during difficult times
  3. serves as a sure defense against temptation.  

When I was younger I could memorize scripture easily and retain it well.  Now it is harder for me.  I have learned a way that I can do it by drawing pictures. Hope this helps you as well.

Draw near to God....

April 21, 2020

This morning when I woke up I just felt off....felt God was distant...felt a little lonely.  I was wondering why.


this verse came to me.

James 4:8a New English Translation (NET Bible)

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT are with me!!! YEA!!! I am ok!!  You are ok!! He is with us!!

This shows the importance of knowing and memorizing scripture.  It is a necessity to have it at your fingertips at all times. 

More to come about an easy and good way to memorize scripture.

See you tomorrow!!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

I am NOT just saying....

April 20, 2020

I want to give you a warning and then encouragement today.

I posted a blog a few days ago about loving our husbands as God wants us to.  As I was writing the blog on the computer, Gail asked me to stop what I was doing and to come help him for a few minutes.  I was a little 'short' with him and not as courteous as I should have been.

It only took a short time for me and the light bulb came on!  I am trying to encourage others to have a Godly marriage; so the devil will be after me!  Yes, he is after me and YOU!  I started to title this "Just Saying.." but no!  This is not Just Saying!  God's Word tell us:

John 10:10 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.

I Peter 5:8
Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. (AMPC)

The devil is WORKING to destroy you, your marriage, your family, your business, anything he can.  We must ALWAYS be on our guard to realize that our lives ARE a spiritual battle ground.  Jesus has the victory.  Always be surrendered to Him and be on guard to the battle!!

John 10:10 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows).

(P.S. I did apologize to Gail:) 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hardened heart or thanksgiving?

April 18, 2020

I read a very good devotional on the Charles Stanley/In Touch app yesterday.  (If you'd like an app with a daily devotional and/or sermon, this is a great one to put on your phone.) It sure applied to me and my attitudes.  It talked about a hardened or apathetic heart and the cure for it, which is to see God at work and then to give Him thanks.

God provided for the Israelite's needs time and time again.  They quickly forgot that He had provided for them and would complain.  God then said 'enough'. I don't want to loose God's love and compassion and help and get a hardened heart. Do you? Let's be thankful and remember God and all He has done for us and give Him THANKS!

Psalm 95 New Living Translation (NLT)

Psalm 95

Come, let us sing to the Lord!
    Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
    Let us sing psalms of praise to him.
For the Lord is a great God,
    a great King above all gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
    and the mightiest mountains.
The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
    His hands formed the dry land, too.
Come, let us worship and bow down.
    Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,
    for he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,
    the flock under his care.
If only you would listen to his voice today!
The Lord says, “Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah,
    as they did at Massah in the wilderness.
For there your ancestors tested and tried my patience,
    even though they saw everything I did.
10 For forty years I was angry with them, and I said,
‘They are a people whose hearts turn away from me.
    They refuse to do what I tell them.’
11 So in my anger I took an oath:
    ‘They will never enter my place of rest.’”

Marriage challenge....

April 17, 2020

Good morning!!!  Challenge day today!!  How are you doing being 'quarantined' with your hubby?  

Over the years I have really been challenged and encouraged to read these verses on what my actions/reactions should be toward my husband.  (I might say I have an awesome husband. Not perfect...none of us are. I am not!)  These verses are taken from the Amplified Bible.
I appreciate that reverence is lined out for me.  Look at what reverence entails.  This is a challenge!  Accept the challenge and look at your marriage relationship in a whole new light.  Work on it to improve your marriage and glorify God!!  We WANT to be Godly women!  

1 Peter 3:2 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your [a]reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him—to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband].

Ephesians 5:33 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

33b ...and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [[a]that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and [b]that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

Years ago I rewrote these verses in this version in the back of my Bible to help me 'remember' what I am to do/think in terms of loving my mate....You might want to do the same.  We need all the help we can! 


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My forties were hard....How are you doing?

April 16, 2020

I want to share with you about a 'window' from my life that I struggled in.  I do this in an effort to help you get through these years of yours with victory.

When I was forty-three we had our fifth daughter.  We were thrilled to have another girl in the family and thankful for God's blessings!   The years that followed were a little hard on me in that I was sometimes depressed, often in tears, and often 'mad' at Gail.  I remember going to the medical doctor to see what was wrong with me but they said I was ok.   I was not ok!!

I think these can be hard years as children are getting older and growning up.  The demands from them are different and their decisions are life changing to them and you.  Jobs are in full swing.  There are lots of financial decisions to be made.  There is not time for anyone or anything.  A woman's body is starting to change without her even knowing it.  These are the emotional hormonal changes coming in before menopause.

I share this with you to let you know what really helped me through this.  I found a product from a company called Mannatec that was called Plus.  This is a product that boosts your endocrine system.  I am not a medical specialist but I know this product helped me get through the slumps I was experiencing.  This product can be ordered online through Amazon.  It is about $45 for 60 pills.  I faithfully took this product for several years. As I got older I didn't take Plus twice daily but I found I could take a few when I began to feel depressed again.  I seldom use it any more but once in awhile I get that sinking feeling coming and I will take one and get better right away.

My daughters have also used this product after they have had their babies.  It helped them not to be so emotional after a babies birth and gave them stability.

This product literally saved my life and my marriage.  It kept me level emotionally and much happier.  SO..... if you are struggling check this out.  It is a life saver! It makes the whole family happier!!

Why we do what we do the way we do.....

April 15, 2020

My husband, Gail, and I were visiting with each other a few days ago.  We both love to work and sometimes that can be good and sometimes bad!  We ranch and there are always projects that can be done.  He was wondering about all our hard work.  Why do we do it?   Is it worth it?

We came to the conclusion it is because of our Christian faith and beliefs.

Colossians 3:17, 23 says: whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.....Whatever you do, work at it with all your hearts as working for the Lord, not for men. 

So this in to encourage you to do a good job at whatever you are doing.....parenting, working, cooking, organizing, serving, leading..... and the list goes on.... Always trying to do the job as if you are doing it for our Lord to glorify our Father in heaven!

Have a good day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wisdom and the Holy Spirit

April 13, 2020

I heard from a few of you that you made the Easter Apple Muffins.  How were they?  Mine were not good!  I did not use the wisdom I should have at 67 years old!!  I filled the muffin tins too full (because I was too lazy to get another one out!) and the topping ran out all over the bottom of the oven.  Soooo not only did they not have toppings but they tasted like smoke (from the almost fire on the bottom of the oven - that I now have to clean!)

Today I baked again.  Tried a new recipe for a chocolate cake I had cut out of a magazine years ago.  Today I prayed for wisdom.  Was it because I didn't have unsalted almonds (I did have some with an expired date that weren't salted - hmmm should I use those or the new salted ones??), or the right kind of bittersweet chocolate ( I have some bittersweet and some unsweetened - can I use some of each), or pure vanilla as it called for?    Yes, that was partly why.  I didn't have the exact correct ingredients.  So I prayed for wisdom and also to be attentive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

How did the cake turn out?  Well, I don't know yet.  Just wanted to let you know we need God's guidance all ALL we do.  So thankful for nudges from the Holy Spirit to give us direction. 

AND in ALL I do I want to GLORIFY our God and King!!

Oh my goodness, in my haste to come write this I forgot to set the timer!! Help me Lord!!

Monday, April 13, 2020

What does it mean to glorify God or to bless God?

April 13, 2020

Good morning!  I hope you all had a blessed Easter and were able to think about the great gift Jesus gave us at the resurrection!

I have been reading through the Psalms.  As I read I noticed often that we are to glorify God and bless Him.  This is what I found as I searched out what that means.

What does it mean to glorify God?
It does not mean to make Him more glorious.  It means to acknowledge His glory, to value it about all things, and to make it known.   Deep within us we all know that it is our duty to glorify our Maker by thanking Him for all we have, trusting Him for all we need, and obeying all of his revealed will to us.  (John Piper)

God is glorified when we bless and praise and acknowledge Him.  (


What does it mean to bless God?
To bless God it means to praise Him, exalt Him, and worship Him.  We offer God our praise and blessings because He deserves them.  Our blessing God is done out of an understanding that He is the true praiseworthy Creator and Heavenly Father.  (

As a side note, the is a great site to go to if you want to learn about about God or the Bible or questions about life.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Rewards for positive actions or good school papers.....

April 10, 2020

I have been doing some more thinking about schooling and some of the things I am doing to reinforce good actions from the grand-kids or I have done to encourage good papers or tests from my children.  I realize what works for some doesn't work for others and the number of your children and their ages makes a difference in what you as a mother are able to do. 

I found I could not try to grade every paper.  When I had our four and was schooling them it made me a slave to the paperwork.  So, like I said in an earlier post, I had the girls checks their papers over, mark the errors, and correct their work.

When I was only schooling Missy and the others had grown we had a fun little box full of gifts.  If she got her papers correct she got points.  Tests were worth more points than daily work. Missy was responsible for keeping track of her points.  Prizes varied on how many points they would take.  Some of the prizes cost me more money than others and they required more points. At the end of the week she got to pick a prize or she could accumulate her points and use them to get a bigger prize to pick when she had enough points for it.  It was a good encouragement for her to do good work at school.

Now that I have grand-kids I still have a box with prizes in it.  It usually has items worth one dollar in it.  I use it to reinforce positive actions such as potty training or good behavior while the grands are at my house or to award a prize for 'work' from the little ones.   They have a ball looking through all the things in it and picking out a gift for themselves.  Good memory maker!

I also want to put a plug in for a book I haven't really read but heard about on a program from Dr. Dobson some years back.  Ironically Missy read it and as their aunt implemented some of it's ideas.  on the grand-kids when they would come!   They loved her positive reinforcements and ideas and her implementation helped me too!  It is called  Creative Correction by Lisa Whenchel.

Have fun with your kids and grand-kids.  They are precious and grow up way to quickly!!

Easter Apple Muffins

Friday April 10, 2020

Good morning!  It is almost EASTER!!  It will be a different Easter this year for us not attending because we won't be attending church.  BUT that doesn't mean it won't be good.  There are many services out there to watch on your TV or computer.  Make plans NOW to know which ones you are going to watch.  That way you will do it.  Don't just wait to get around to it.  Make plans now.  Also plan some fun things to do and a good meal - big breakfast or lunch!  Food makes events and days special. It will be a special day thinking about and praising our risen Lord!

I want to share with you a recipe I've had since the 1980's called  Easter Apple Muffins that I got from a cookbook put out by Shirley Dobson and Gloria Gather. 

Before I write the recipe I want to put a plug in for Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk.  I really enjoy his programs and try to listen to them on their app on my phone as often as I can.  The subjects vary and are applicable to all of us.  We need to take every opportunity to grow in our relationship with the Lord and I find this is one way I can do that.  Hope you enjoy listening!  I do!

Easter Apple Muffins

1 c. chopped apples (pare or skin the apples and then chop them into small pieces)
1/4 c. sugar
1 egg (well beaten)
2/3 c. milk
1/4 c. butter

2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/4 c. sugar
4 tsp. b. powder

4 Tbsp. melted butter
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon

In large bowl mix together apples and 1/4 c. sugar.  Blend in egg.  Add milk and butter and mix together lightly.  Mix dry ingredients together and add to wet ingredients. Mix well.  Spoon into greased or paper-lined muffin tins.  In separate bowl mix together the topping.  Add topping to each muffin.  Bake 350 degrees 20 min.   Makes 9 to 12 muffins depending on the size of your muffin tins. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

a quick main dish.....

Hello! It is Tuesday, April 6.

I know all of you are busy people.  I will try to put things on here that I think may make your life easier or better.  I hope to vary the content.  I also hope to include a title that will give you a hint about what the blog will be so you will know if you want to spend your precious time reading this blog.

Today I am giving you a quick main meal.  I cook lots and feed lots of people.  We farmed for thirty years and had hired men who always came in to eat.  Now we ranch and it still seems out table is full.  Lots to do and little time to do it.

My husband, Gail, also pastors Valley Cowboy Church.  Sometimes I tell him 'less is more"  ( the sweet wife I am??!) trying to get him to keep the messages brief.  I will try to do the same!!

Ground Beef and Potato Skillet Meal

Brown 1 to 1 1/2 lb. hamburger.
Season it as desired.
Diced potatoes (peeled or unpeeled)
Put on top of the hamburger
Add some water (about 1/2 cup)
Needs to stay moist so the water steams the potatoes.
Salt and pepper the potatoes
Put a lid on your skillet and cook about 20 minutes.
When the potatoes are done, sprinkle shredded cheese on top
Serve when the cheese is melted.

This is one of our favorite meals and is so easy.  It is inexpensive to make and can be stretched if you add more potatoes.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Organization for homeschooling.....It helps!

Good morning!  Want to just give you a few recommendations for time management and schooling.

1. Have a set time to start school.  Kids know what to expect and can be ready.  It take self-discipline but it is a necessary element for success.

2.  Have your kids help you more with keeping up in the house.  Give them chores to do before and after school.  Now they have more time to help, not being at school, and you NEED the help.  They NEED to help you.  It is good for everyone.

3.  It is nice to have a school room but not always possible.  Wherever you have school, try to have a central place to meet.  Not in bedrooms.

4.  Have each child be responsible for keeping their own things organized.  They need to learn responsibility.  Give each one a bag, box, or organizer file.  Organization makes for a more positive learning situation.

5.  Teach responsibility to your children.  Good book about this is How to Have a New Kid by Friday.  We love our children but need to teach them to be responsible and we can't do that by doing everything for them.

6.  Have a chart that shows which children will help cook the meals each day, do the dishes, etc.  We always had fun letting one child a week get the morning snacks organized and planned out when we were schooling.  This lets the rest of you keep working and getting more school accomplished.  Teaches creativity, planning skills, learn some money management.  I always had the child clear the snacks with me ahead of time.  This is good for learning who is the authority too!!

7.  Fun to read aloud to the kids while it is snack time.  It is good to hear something read.  Helps the mind visualize.  Lots of good things out there to read.  It is also a way to capitalize on immersing them more in God's word during this time of you teaching them.  Something that teaches good character qualities is a great idea too.  Can't emphasis enough that this is your opportunity to get God's Word and love and values into their little precious hearts!!

8.  We set one day a week aside for no snacks.  Then we figured out how much money we were saving by not eating and gave that money to missions.  We gave to Compasssion International.  It was good for us and good for them.

9.  During this time of being home-bound think of ways you and your children can reach out to others.  Maybe they need to drop their teachers a card, a call, or send them a picture.  Could they send cards to grandparents or others in their church.  The thing is to get them to think of others and how they can be ministering or serving our Savior at this time.

My love and prayers go out to you all. It is a BLESSING to be able to spend more time with your children!!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Homeschooling thoughts......

Hi!  Well I am going to give this a try and hope you like it!!

 The first thing I want to address is homeschooling and living with your children, since that is what most of you parents of school age children are now doing due to schools being closed.  We home-schooled our five girls and I am so glad I did.  They grow up so quickly.  Having them at home is a blessing beyond measure BUT it isn't with our some struggles.  Our first year of schooling was definitely the hardest.  So I am thinking some of you moms who are now schooling your public school age children could especially benefit from a few words of advice.

First thing don't worry about getting every paper and problem completely done.  What you want is to make sure your children know the concept.  Do they understand the lesson?  If they do then let them do part of the paper.  The more they get right the less they have to do.  If they miss a problem make sure they correct it themselves and get the error figured out so they can do the problem right.  When I first started homeschooling I tried to grade every paper.  I was a slave to school.  That was not what I had envisioned.  So I changed things up.  Let the kids grade their own paper if they can and if you have a teachers key. Or enlist an older sibling to check the paper over. Just make sure the errors are corrected by the student who did the paper.  By not doing lots of busy work you will have more time to study more topics or do life projects.

I think what we really want is to know the concepts AND for the children to be able to think on their own.  Many of the details are not that important BUT can your children do critical thinking, figure things out on their own, observe and make assessments, and  make decisions about their lives? Do you they have to consult you on everything or are they using their God given guidance?  Use this 'time out' to spend quality time with your precious kids.  Let them learn life lessons through your leadership.  What an honor and opportunity!!

Also very important is to use this time to share the Lord's word with one another, to pray together, and to reach out to others with needs in the manner as the Holy Spirit directs you and your family!!

Happy homeschooling to you staying organized and teaching your kids!!! See you soon!

First post : Moments with Millie

Good morning!  As I have been social distancing and staying home lots, I have been thinking about how I could serve our awesome God,  make a difference to others, and be helpful to younger women.  I have concluded that I could start my own blog and share with others about lessons I have learned along my journey of life. 

I am in my sixties, mother of five girls, grandmother of twenty-two, wife of one rancher, farmer, and pastor (all the same man) for forty-nine years.  I really don't know much but an willing to share with you all what I do know as the the Lord leads me through this new experience. 

Hold on - I hope it is a fun and encouraging ride!