Friday, April 24, 2020

A REST is good for kids.....

April 24,2020

Just a brief encouragement for all you moms out there....

Having your kids lay down for a time to rest is a great thing to do.  It gets them out of the hubbub of life for a little bit.  It is good for them to withdraw from all the family activity and lay down for a little rest.  They do not have to go to sleep but they need to go relax and have some quiet time.  They can read if they'd like.  Or another good activity is to listen to a CD or cassette tape (now that is dating me but there are still some around in some families that could be used - like Adventures in Odyssey).  This is a good activity because it lets the child listen and visualize in his or her mind what is going on as they listen. It is very good brain development.

Do not let them have phones or tablets or whatever else is out there. This is a time of quietness for them and is not a time of entertainment so watching TV does not count. 

ALSO  it is is good for you moms out there.  It gives you a chance to regroup and have some quiet too!!

Give this a try and you will all be blessed!!!

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