Sunday, April 5, 2020

First post : Moments with Millie

Good morning!  As I have been social distancing and staying home lots, I have been thinking about how I could serve our awesome God,  make a difference to others, and be helpful to younger women.  I have concluded that I could start my own blog and share with others about lessons I have learned along my journey of life. 

I am in my sixties, mother of five girls, grandmother of twenty-two, wife of one rancher, farmer, and pastor (all the same man) for forty-nine years.  I really don't know much but an willing to share with you all what I do know as the the Lord leads me through this new experience. 

Hold on - I hope it is a fun and encouraging ride!


  1. Thanks, Millie! I like to look for what God does each day.

  2. I'm sure you have some interesting and purposeful information to share! Thank you!
