Friday, August 27, 2021

Grandparents - hints for being a GREAT one!

August 27, 2021

The book I read and blogged about recently called Doing Life With Your Adult Children also had a section about grandparenting.  I love being a grandparent!  We currently have 23 grandchildren.  Each one is so special and so unique and so loved.  It is such a special blessing to get to spend time with them.  They do take lots of energy! But they grow up so quickly!  Any help I can get to better a "Nanna' is great.

The book listed the following practical ideas for influencing your grandkids:
1.  Be present. Be fun. Be generous.
- be the chief babysitter when one is needed
-your fun and generous presence matters 
- attend their games and recitals and birthdays

2.  Build lifelong memories and traditions
- some suggestions were to spend Sundays together, host a cousin's camp, vacation together, plan a special trip
-have a back to school sleepover before school starts, go to the mountains or to a cabin with the grandkids,
-make sure the grandkids have some special places in your home with things for them to play with and places to play

3.  Offer grace - constantly
-our job as a grandparent is to offer praise and support, not to give advice on everything

4.  Celebrate everything!
-this lets them know you are there for them and you are cheering them on
-celebrations make memories

5.  Recognize your role as a mentor
-a mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor
-these teaching moments come from your years of wisdom and they often come spontaneously
-your positive influence can be their hope in times of turmoil

6.  Keep supporting your adult children in their role as parents
-your job as a parent and grandparent is to come alongside the parents to help
-don't meddle
-don't talk negatively about the parents to the grandchildren
-remember your relationship with the parents is the gateway to your grandchildren
-parents are the gatekeepers and as a grandparent, you are to honor that

REMEMBER - grandchildren are your opportunity to transform the next generation. Use every opportunity to teach them Biblical morals, history, and wisdom.  Show and tell them of the love of Jesus and how to live for and serve Him.  Let them come alongside as you serve!

Watch for another blog coming soon about the importance of grandparents as Spiritual mentors!!


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