August 26, 2021
Biographies - LOVE 'EM!!! Can you remember some you read as a child? I can!
A friend posted some books on Facebook recently that I thought looked good as reading books for children. I purchased some and want to share this 'find' with you all. They are a great length to read, they tell the facts accurately and historically - which can lead to good discussions with your kids. They tell things the way they were. We might not agree with the belief held by the person in the book but that can lead to discussions of what we do believe.
The company is called Rainbow Resource Center. I was able to purchase the books for $4.50 each. I just found out they are approved for reading books for school children. It is SO GREAT for our children to be able to read good, uplifting, truthful books.
Each book starts out with the wording: Who was ___________? I think it is great to have books both boys and girls can be interested in that are actually about real life events!
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