Feb. 26, 2021
Why are we concerned about our nation, and it's laws and it's leaders? Is it for our selfish gain and self-interests? I often ask myself this question. Yes, it partially is for our gain. We want the easy and good life that we can see and have experienced. We want to be able to be prosperous and safe in our homes and county. We want to go where we want. We want to be able to do what we want. We want freedom. We want these things for our children and our children's children.
THAN THIS.......
WE are concerned about the lives of the millions of BABIES
who will never get to take a first breath, or to have known the touch of his parent's loving hands, to never experience playing in the water or sand, to never taste the sweetness of food, to never have a family or children of their own.
I write this blog today to ENCOUAGE you to continue to fight for the unborn. Keep praying as you've never prayed before. And please ENGAGE in fighting for the babies politically. FINANCIALLY support in elections those who are for pro-life legislation. Find out what the person running for office believes in and VOTE for those who will do what they can to stop abortion. There have been 61,000,000 - yes, 61 million - abortions since 1973.
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