This morning -
I read an article this morning about quieting our souls. It said Satan tries to pull us away from God by keeping us busy.
My granddaughter who is in college wrote a paper this week entitled "Does Google make us dumb?" It had some very good points saying that Google is great in that we can get knowledge readily and easily but it does not let us dig deep into articles so that we learn to think and be quiet and take in what we read. Rather it hurries us along where we skim articles but don't really learn and have quiet in our souls.
This morning as I was home I saw an advertisement for a job that paid $25/hour from home. I thought I could do that. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that was not what He had for me.
Then I saw a sale ad for the type of shoes I like. Went to look in my closet to see what size I might wear and was convicted that I did not need any new shoes.
Saying all this to say:
Draw near to God. He, through the Holy Spirit, will guide you in the path you should go. Don't get caught up in the world - in the media, the hype of everything - but keep a quiet and close relationship with the Lord, listening to and obeying His voice. You will have His peace and you'll be blessed beyond measure.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
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