Thursday, January 27, 2022

Sometimes we just need to rest!!


A quick thought for you today..... sometimes we just need to rest!!
In the book of Nehemiah we saw that the Israelites had grown weary from working hard to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.  They were fatigued and worn out. My devotional book by Robert Jeffress said: "The Israelites were discouraged, first of all, because they were weary.  They had spent twenty-six days working on the wall, and Nehemiah said they were 'failing'. In Hebrews that word means stumbling.  They were staggering.  They were worn out.  ...Fatigue brings fear and a distorted perspective of reality."

Once in a while, we need to rest.  If you can realize this before your meltdown you will be better off.  Occasionally I tell my daughters you are just tired and need to rest.  Take a nap and everything will be ok. We all get tired and then we don't perform our tasks as well as we should. We don't handle stress well. For example, as a mom, if get you too tired you tend to get grouchy and don't handle life as well as you should.  You know the saying: If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!! Realize this and take a quick rest before you say or do something you shouldn't to your kids or husband. 

My mom used to put her feet on the couch and lay on the floor.  Worked great for a quick nap.  I have done the same many times.  You won't sleep too long in this position but will get a quick rest and be ready to go again!

Also moms - make sure your kids are rested.  Our little two-year-old granddaughter was being a real jewel one morning when I kept her.  About 11:00 she fell apart and started misbehaving.  She was just tired and needed to rest.  So when things start to fall apart with your kids, let them rest or nap and they will be much easier to deal with.


Little Lucile went to rest and decided she needed her jammies on over her clothes!! Those grandbabies are so much fun!!

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