Monday, January 17, 2022

Here for the longggggg haul - for the future generations

 I read a devotional this morning that said "our greatest impact on this world will occur not while you are alive but after you die." What it was saying was that our greatest impact may not be immediate as we raise our children, but rather the greatest impact may be on the future generations as a result of how we raise our children. 

The article went on to talk about the great preacher, Jonathan Edwards.  It told that he had many descendants that became preachers, teachers, authors, congressmen, and even one that became vice-president of the United States.  

I was extremely blessed to grow up in the same town that my grandparents lived in.  I often walked to their homes for lunch while I was in school.  One of my granddads would often ask me where I was reading in my Bible.  He held me accountable.  The other grandad would read a devotional every morning after breakfast.  When I was at his house to eat lunch, he would also ask me what I was learning at school.  I had to have a specific answer.  On Sundays, I would get to sit with my grandmother at church while my granddad ushered.  I was so blessed to have parents who took me to church and Sunday school and encouraged me to go to a youth Bible Study. My mom, in her later years after retirement, would get up early to listen to Focus on the Family.  It was always great when she would call to tell me what she had learned and how it might help me as we raised our family.

We have five daughters now and twenty-three grandchildren.  We are trying to do as my grandparents did to encourage, challenge, and help our children and grandchildren's faith to grow and mature. God has been faithful!

My challenge to you is to not grow weary as you parent your children but to raise them up in the knowledge of the Lord.  As grandparents use every opportunity you can to help your grandchildren grow spiritually. The payday is great now but GREATER down the road as the year's progress. 

These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. Deut. 6:6,7

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