Sunday, May 29, 2022

Opening the dreaded trash bag!

 The other day I was trying to open up a new trash bag and I didn't have my glasses on. (Sometimes at the grocery store I have the same problem with their produce bags with my glasses on!)  I couldn't seem to figure out which end to open.  Neither end seemed to open!  Not a big deal at all but I realized a lot of life is like this.  We can't seem to 'see' what to do! 

I had just recently read about King Saul in I Samuel 13.  Saul had been given directions to go to Gilgal and to wait there for seven days until Samuel came to him there.  The people began being restless and fearful and started scattering. Saul couldn't 'see' what he should do. So Saul took it upon himself to offer the sacrifice at the temple - a job that was not his but Samuels.  He did not wait upon the Lord but rather took things into his own hands....he could not 'see' but rather became fearful, afraid, and disobedient.

I am writing this to us all to be faithful to our Lord,  to be obedient to our Lord, and to follow the directions He gives us in His Word!!

When we can't 'see' the future or the way, TRUST GOD!  OBEY HIM!

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