You've heard the saying, "Use what is in your hand." Today I have a great example of someone doing this that I want to share with you.
Our daughter, Missy, had expressed some interest to a lady in the community about learning to sew. This dear lady whom Missy hardly knew called one day to say she had a machine for Missy, would like to give it to her, and would like to come out to show her how to use it. She put a list together of supplies Missy would need to begin in this new endeavor and actually traveled twice from her home some thirty miles away to teach Missy the basics of sewing. This has been such a blessing to Missy! She has run with this project and
created a little business for her family while staying home with the kids.
Saying all this to encourage you to 'use what is in your hand' to help others. Look around. What do you know that you can pass on to the younger generation? One of our grandsons last year went to town to spend time with an older man who is good with wood tools. They made a little race car. He hopes to continue to get together with this wonderful Christian man again soon to learn more woodworking skills.
We can all help each other. It doesn't matter what age you are. You know something that can help someone whether you are a child, youth, parent, or older generation. Looooook around - help someone! Use what God has given you. You will both be blessed!