Sunday, May 29, 2022

Use what is in your hand...


You've heard the saying, "Use what is in your hand."  Today I have a great example of someone doing this that I want to share with you.  

Our daughter, Missy, had expressed some interest to a lady in the community about learning to sew.  This dear lady whom Missy hardly knew called one day to say she had a machine for Missy, would like to give it to her, and would like to come out to show her how to use it.  She put a list together of supplies Missy would need to begin in this new endeavor and actually traveled twice from her home some thirty miles away to teach Missy the basics of sewing. This has been such a blessing to Missy!  She has run with this project and

created a little business for her family while staying home with the kids.

Saying all this to encourage you to 'use what is in your hand' to help others.  Look around.  What do you know that you can pass on to the younger generation?  One of our grandsons last year went to town to spend time with an older man who is good with wood tools.  They made a little race car.  He hopes to continue to get together with this wonderful Christian man again soon to learn more woodworking skills.

We can all help each other.  It doesn't matter what age you are.  You know something that can help someone whether you are a child, youth, parent, or older generation.  Looooook around - help someone! Use what God has given you. You will both be blessed!

IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!!! Some helpful advice for midlife mommas!

I am writing again about this issue since it is so important - that is the midlife crazies that some ladies get.  (Momma's sometimes you don't even know that you are there but just ask your family and they will tell you that you are!) I tell you it is true, we can get crazy and it is a BIG deal to us and everyone around us.  I want you to know you are not alone and there is help.  

When I first started writing this blog, I wrote an article about this. (April 15, 2020) I really struggled in my mid-forties with life.  I was either angry or crying! Someone was always in trouble and that someone was mostly my husband!

We don't like our life this way and it doesn't have to be this way.

I found some help.  It was life-saving! I began taking Plus by a company called Mannatech.  It may now be purchased online.  I took two of these pills a day for about eight years to get me through my crisis until I saw calm waters.  My husband, my family, and I were all very grateful for the change this product brought to me.

There are other products out there now that may also help.  This is just what helped me.  Find something that will help you rather than go it alone making life hard for you and your family!

I really think many marriages could be saved if the wives could get this help.  I wish every woman in their forties and early fifties knew about this product.  Please share with those you know who are struggling. Our families and marriages are so important!

AND there is light at the end of the tunnel!  I am now 68 and life is much happier!  Maybe once or twice a year I get that sinking feeling again.  I take a Plus and within an hour or so life is good again. Praise the Lord!! 


Reach out to me if you'd like...I want you to be happy and successful!

Opening the dreaded trash bag!

 The other day I was trying to open up a new trash bag and I didn't have my glasses on. (Sometimes at the grocery store I have the same problem with their produce bags with my glasses on!)  I couldn't seem to figure out which end to open.  Neither end seemed to open!  Not a big deal at all but I realized a lot of life is like this.  We can't seem to 'see' what to do! 

I had just recently read about King Saul in I Samuel 13.  Saul had been given directions to go to Gilgal and to wait there for seven days until Samuel came to him there.  The people began being restless and fearful and started scattering. Saul couldn't 'see' what he should do. So Saul took it upon himself to offer the sacrifice at the temple - a job that was not his but Samuels.  He did not wait upon the Lord but rather took things into his own hands....he could not 'see' but rather became fearful, afraid, and disobedient.

I am writing this to us all to be faithful to our Lord,  to be obedient to our Lord, and to follow the directions He gives us in His Word!!

When we can't 'see' the future or the way, TRUST GOD!  OBEY HIM!



It doesn't seem long ago at all that we were trying to decide what I would be called since I was becoming a grandparent.  Would it be Grammie?  Yes, at least that is what I thought until our oldest granddaughter named me Nanna.  So Nanna it has been! We now have 23 grandchildren calling me Nanna.  I love it!  BUT now I am no longer just Nanna and part of a bigger family but I am Nanna and the oldest of our own big family- the patriarch!

I realized the other day when I was struggling with some issues, that Gail and I were now the patriarchs of our own big, extended family.  I told God I wasn't really ready for this job and struggled with this a bit. After some time with God and some soul-searching, I surrendered to God and the fact that this was not my choice but it was God's design for His families. He has put us here.  He designed the family unit.  He has a purpose for each one of us.  He will give us the wisdom, knowledge, and strength to succeed! 

I know I must stick close by His side, seeking His ways, continually listening to the Holy Spirit whispering in my life moment by moment. I pray God will help guide me and I know He will!! He will do the same for you!

Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

The other side of the fence....

 Sometimes we are on the other side of the fence... and the job inside the fence isn't ours. 

This picture was at a recent ranch rodeo.  Some of our family got to be on the team.  Some did not! 

I was recently talking with one of our daughters about this issue.  We are all busy people.  Don't be wasting your time doing things in life that you aren't called to do. Don't fight God wishing you were doing this or that.  DO what He calls you to do!!

God has you where you are to do jobs for Him.  Are you wanting to be somewhere else rather than being obedient to what he is calling you to do where you are?

 Look to see what God wants you to do and be obedient.  We waste much of our time and energy doing things we aren't supposed to be doing.  If the task is yours to do, God will be with you and will supply the energy and time.  

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  Spoken by Paul as he served fearlessly and faithfully doing what God called him to do!

Changes have a purpose....

 This is a yucca blooming in my yard this spring.  It is beautiful now and for just a short time.  Then it will change.  Now it is beautiful ....

As it matures and changes, the flowers will fall off and pods will form that will be full of seeds. Then it changes from being beautiful to being like candy!  You see the cows absolutely love these pods full of seeds.  It is extremely hard to push a cow past one of these 'sweet treats' when you are out moving them. They literally run from yucca to yucca to eat these pods when they are in this state of their growth.  

Then the plant changes again.  

Seeds form in the pods.  They soon dry up and crack open so that new plants may form and grow. These black pods allow for new plants to grow. Though not the 'pretty' stage in the life of a yucca, they are the most useful.

Our lives are like these yucca plants.  Every stage had a purpose.  Every stage of life is different.  God has a purpose for you with each stage of life.  Some stages are definitely more beautiful and fun.  Some stages seem rather 'sweet'. Some stages of life don't look too good to us.  

Just a reminder that God is with you in each stage and EACH time in our lives has a purpose.  We may not bear as much seed if we don't go through the hard times. Change has a purpose!

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good for those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose."

Can you see 'it' in the distance?

 Springtime..... for some the favorite time of the year....for others the hardest time of the year.  

With spring comes baby calves, color in our world, much work, and many activities!  

Just writing this short blog today to remind each of you to take some time to rest.  It is a MUST!

Slow down for just a bit, spend time with the Lord, and rest your bodies! Seek Him and His will for you.  

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Take a nap.  Get a good night's sleep.

Then you will be able to 'see' the goal you are aiming for and obtain it!   

Exodus 33:14  The Lord replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."