Sunday, February 20, 2022

Jesus is Jesus - not someone else!

 I recently read a book called Do all Roads Lead to Heaven.  I want to share with you one idea learned from this book in terms of who Jesus is.  

Is Jesus the same as Allah or other human prophets or pagan deities?   Are they all the same person with different names?  Does it really matter which God or prophet you believe in? Will they all get you to heaven?

To illustrate this point an assertion was given by Dr. Robert Jeffress, author of the book. "Suppose the church had advertised all week that today's message will be delivered by Dr. David Jeremiah.  When you arrived, you looked at the bulletin and saw the title of the message with the name 'Dr. David Jeremiah' beside it.  But when the time came for the message I stood up and preached.  After the message you approach me and, trying to hide your disappointment, you say, 'Pastor, I thought Dr. Jeremiah was preaching today.  Is he ill?' And I reply, "Not at all.  Actually, David Jeremiah is just another name I occasionally use to refer to myself.  Other times I go by Chuck _______, Joe ______, or Jesse ____. But we are all the same person!"

Get the idea?  

Jesus may have similar characteristics to some of the other prophets but He is His own distinct Person. 

In the picture above, each person is their own distinct person.  We are who we are and the special names given to us by our parents' matter!

Jesus is Jesus.  He has his own characteristics! He cannot be called another name.  He is the only way to heaven!

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. I John 5:13

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