Thursday, February 3, 2022

God's will...which road?

I have read several books about knowing the will of God in our lives.  Today I want to share with you a list that will help you in knowing how to know God's will.  I also want to share a little bit of 'our story' in implementing this list. 

There are several processes to go through in knowing God's will for a situation or decision:

1. Meditate on scripture

2. Listen to God in prayer

3. Evaluate circumstances

4. Discover our desires and see if those desires are in line with God's desires

5. Seek counsel

6.  Trust in God's sovereignty

Don't make a decision using only one of the criteria above.  Rather incorporate all the areas into your decision-making. 


In 1994 we felt God was calling us to move so that we could be more involved in ministry.  We visited with our pastor.  He basically ran through the list above and asked us if we had examined all the areas.  We said we had and still felt called to move. He told us to go ahead and follow God's leading. So we started the process of looking at other ranches.  We looked at three that we liked and thought would work for ministry. But with each one when we were ready to proceed, the door closed - the ranch was already sold or taken off the market.  We then felt God wanted us to wait.  Maybe our idea was right but the timing was off.  So we waited.... We received his blessings in many ways. We were content to be where God had us.  We tried to serve Him where we were.  

After ten years, we felt the call again to move.  Again, we went through the list above seeking God's will. We felt we were to go ahead.  We began looking at ranches and this time we found a ranch that would work for us.  We put in an offer.  We were anxious but trusted the Lord.  The sellers of the ranch were to accept our offer by 4:00 on a set day.  At 3:50 they called and they had another offer for the ranch.  Would we give them another hour to decide which offer they were going to accept? We said we would.  It was a long hour for us but we knew it was in God's hands.  The purchase would come about if it was God's will. They called back and accepted our offer and the moving process was started.  That is how we came to live where we now do! We felt God's calling, sought His will, trusted His timing, and He was faithful!

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