Saturday, February 19, 2022

A new attitude of gratefulness for submission to my husband...

Goodness!! Submission to our husbands? Do you struggle with this?  Why should we be submissive?

Well, first off we know that the Bible commands it.  "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." The Greek verb submit means willingly putting oneself under someone or arranging under rank. 

After almost fifty years of marriage and 'happily?' obeying this command, I realized the other day how grateful I was for this command. I realized that by practicing submission I was given protection from God. I have stayed under my husband's authority and God's authority and I've been blessed beyond measure!!! I think by being submissive I have been shielded from doing things that I shouldn't have been doing.  I am sure I have failed miserably at times but generally speaking, I have tried to submit! 

I read a chapter in a book this week that listed four reasons why God set our world up like this - wife being submissive to husband.

Submitting to authority :

1.  teaches us obedience to God

2.  provides orderliness

3.  frees us from unnecessary worries

4.  gives us direction in life 

I can definitely support these principles.  I am thankful that by being submissive to Gail I have also grown closer to God, that our family has had order, that I can be under his authority and not worry as Gail leads, and that God will give us as a couple His direction. 

Submission isn't always easy.  As wives, we often don't think our husbands are going in the right direction.  But we must follow God and trust Him.  He is ALWAYS at work.  He will bless you if you do right and stay with Him following His directions. The blessings may not be immediate but they will come. 

.....just a little encouragement for you girls.....obedience brings big blessings!!

Suggested reading: Why on Earth Should we be Heavenly-Minded? Robert Jeffress

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