The recent invasion by Russia into Ukraine has been heavy on our hearts and deeply questioned in our minds. What are we to think of it? Will evil win? Is God at work?
I read today in Psalms 44 about a time when the Hebrew people were attacked by their foes. This was a time when the Hebrew people had been faithful to God and walked in His ways YET they were attacked and it looked as if the enemy was winning. They were trying to look to God and understand and deal with their national tragedy.
This Psalms said this about the wicked:
-the face of the Lord is against them -they are forgotten about and not remembered-affliction will slay them and they will be condemned
This Psalm said this about His people:
-they shall bless and praise the Lord continually - boast in the Lord, be humble, and be glad - magnify the Lord and exalt His name - seek the Lord and He will answer us and deliver us from our fears - those who look to Him will have radiant faces and will not be ashamed - when in humility we cry to God, He hears and saves - God will be around those who fear Him and will deliver them - for those who see that the Lord is good and take refuge in Him, they will be blessed - fear the Lord and have no lack - they were to learn the fear of God - they were to turn from evil and to do good and to seek peace - if they were righteous the Lord would hear their cry for help and deliver them out of all their trouble - God would be near to the brokenhearted and save the crushed in spirit - they may have many afflictions but God will deliver them out of them all - they will not be broken - the Lord will redeem the life of His servants and none who take refuge in Him will be condemned
So - we must focus on the things above that God has told us about His people when they are in trouble. There have always been wars throughout history. Some of the wars were because the people had turned away from God, other times the wars were because of evil people wanting power and land. We do know some will die in the battle, some will be injured, some will have to go through rough times.
Please pray for those in Ukraine. There have become many new believers there since they became a free country on their own. Pray for the safety of the people and for their faith to be strong. Pray for the country to be strong and to remain free. Pray for the other nations to know what to do in regard to the war.
In the meantime, we will continue to praise Him, to live righteous lives, to look to Him and He WILL be with us. We may or may not have victory now from the battle but in the end we will!!! Stay faithful! Heaven awaits!