Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Tribulation - a peaceful then violent time to live....

End Times #4 – Tribulation
This is part 4 in the End Times series.  Today we will talk about the Tribulation.
This is a 7 years period of time.  (There is much written about this in Daniel that I have not gone into.)  This time is also called “the day of the Lord” which refers to a time of God’s judgment against both Israel and the unbelieving world.  Joel 1:15 says, “Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is near, and it will come as destruction from the Almighty.” Zephaniah 1:14-15 also talks about this time.  Then Paul talks about it in I Thessalonians 4-5 that this time period will come as a thief in the night while some are saying peace and safety, then destruction will come.  He told us this so we would know what to expect and not to be in the dark about what was to happen.  Remember Christians need not fear this time as they will be taken to be with Christ in the rapture.  
1.        The beginning…..the first 3 ½ years
-          A crisis will probably happen in Middle East that will bring the Antichrist to power
-          The antichrist:
o   Will come to power after Christians are removed from the earth. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-9
o   Most likely will be a Gentile – Rev. 13:1
o   Will rule over a revived Roman empire
o   Will oppose the people of God and try to change the laws of God without opposition from the people
-          The false prophet
o   Will be a man, empowered by Satan
o   A religious leader who will head up a world church that is a mix of many different religions that denies the basic beliefs of Christianity – this church is called a ‘harlot’
o   During the first 3 ½ years will use his influence to promote the Antichrist
o   Then during the last 3 ½ years will destroy the church and direct worship toward himself.  Rev. 17:16
o   He will focus on industry  and commerce and require the mark of the beast on everyone to participate in financial transactions
-there will be 144,000 Jewish missionaries that will convert many Jews and Gentiles to Christianity
o   They cannot be destroyed by the antichrist . Rev. 7:3-4
o   They are Jews from each of the twelve tribes who have come to Christianity after the rapture.  Rev. 7:9,14
-          These first 3 ½ years will be a time of peace. I Thess. 5:3
2.        The midpoint of the tribulation
-          The antichrist will break his peace treaty with Israel and begin persecuting the Jews and Christians.  Daniel 7,9,11
-          The persecution will be horrible and if not cut short no life would be left
-          God’s judgments from Revelation take place – the seal judgments, trumpet judgments, and bowl judgments
God’s love is perfect and He is holy.  That demands he judge sin.  He does that during the tribulation period.  He also gives a last chance for people to come to His salvation.  This choice for salvation comes with a great cost of persecution to the believers during the tribulation.  Ezekiel 33:11 pleads with the wicked to turn from their evil ways.  Why not make the decision to turn from wickedness now and to follow Christ before this terrible tribulation time comes?

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