Friday, June 12, 2020

End Time Prophesy #1

June 12, 2020

My husband, Gail, has recently been preaching a sermon series for our church, Valley Cowboy Church, about the End Time's Prophecy.  It has been very interesting and encouraging to study this. I want to give you a quick 'recap' of what we have learned.  This may take several blogs to get it all down.

1.  It is a major theme in the Bible.  The Old Testament contains more than 1,800 references to Christ's return.  One out of every 30 verses in the New Testament refers to the Lord's return and it is taught in 23 of the 27 NT books.

2.  Understanding prophecy helps us understand and apply the Bible accurately. For example, if we know a scripture is prophesy we can understand it has a certain place for the end times.  I was reading through Matthew lately. I came to the verse about the pregnant mother running to the hills (Matt. 24: 19 And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! 20Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. ) I used to worry about that verse and what it meant.  Now I know it is about what is to come during the tribulation times. If we understand this, we have a peace in our hearts as we read.

3. An understanding of Bible prophecy motivates us toward godly living.  We know the end times will come in God's timing and we want to be found living holy lives.

Watch for more information about this in the days to come. 

P.S.  Earlier this week I put out a blog about hurrying up and getting on with what you are to be doing. One of my daughters said she about over did and it was harmful to her health!!! LOL!! Remember everything is to be in moderation:) Have a good day!

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