Saturday, May 9, 2020

Wisdom ...

Most of you know that one good way to read the Bible daily is to read a chapter of Proverbs every day.  I was excited today as I read Proverbs 9.  It talks about wisdom and folly.  Both are calling out to us with the same invitation.  Verse 4 (with wisdom calling out) and verse 16 (with folly calling out) both say the same thing - "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!"  To him who lacks sense she says...  Both are calling out but the paths to obtain wisdom and folly are very different, as are the outcomes.

I have heard if you want to know what counterfeit money looks like you study hard the real bill to know what it looks like and then you can recognize the counterfeit one. So let's look at wisdom rather than folly.

In Pv. 9 we are invited to come to her banquet table.  If we come and learn from wisdom we WILL be wiser still, we will LIVE, and walk in the way of insight.   Dr. Jeremiah says "wisdom begets more wisdom."

Verse 10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." So we are to fear the Lord.  What does this mean? I have written in my Bible what this means.(I did not write where I got the information from - sorry.)

- to respect Him
- to know who He is and what He has done
- to know His character and rule
- to come before Him humbly in surrender.

We MUST search for wisdom - search for God and who He is - know His ways and come in surrender to Him.

Lord - may we KNOW and LOVE YOU and FEAR YOU. May we come SURRENDERED to YOU with our lives! May we have Your wisdom for our lives!

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