I am really excited about what I learned about this topic! When a temptation, a problem, or a difficult circumstance comes who is it from? Is it a test or a temptation? Is it from God or from Satan?
In a book I recently read by an author, Dr. Robert Jeffress, this subject was addressed. The book was going through the Lord's prayer and explaining it verse by verse. I found the explanation of this next verse very interesting.
Matthew 6:13 And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Dr. Jeffress went on to explain that in the English language, we have two different words. Temptation which means to entice to do evil. He said that God never entices anyone to do evil. James 1:13,14 "Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am being tempted by God,' for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust."
Thus Satan is the one who tempts us to do evil.
The other word is test, which means a difficult circumstance used to strengthen our faith. The Bible says God does test people. James 1:2,3 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
So in English, we have two words with two meanings for the idea of test/temptation. In the Greek language, there is only one word that has two meanings. In Greek, the word sometimes means temptation, an enticement to do evil. The same word in Greek can mean test, a difficult situation to strengthen our faith.
Now using what we have learned, let's look at another verse. Genesis 22:1 says: After these things God tested Abraham... In this chapter, God was asking Abraham to take his only son Isaac and to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. How did Abraham respond? Did this instance cause him to sin and disobey God....or did it cause him to obey and increase His faith and obedience? Was it a test that led to sin or did it lead to a stronger faith for Abraham? We know Abraham passed the test! He trusted God. God provided the sacrifice, a ram. God blessed Abraham for his obedience and faith.
All this to say what really matters with the testing or temptation is how we deal with it. If the problem entices us to do evil and destroys our faith it is a temptation. Satan has the victory. If the problem strengthens our faith it is a test. God has won and our faith has been strengthened.
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