Friday, January 27, 2023

Passing on our faith and the stories behind it...


I have been reading lately in the Bible about Abraham. Today I read a devotional about him and Isaac and the time Abraham went to offer Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice. Why did Isaac lie down and go along with the plan? The devotion said it was because Abraham had told his son about all the miracles that God had done in his life to that point in time.  Thus, Isaac knew and trusted God.

This was a reminder to me to tell our children and their children, our grandchildren,  about the miracles we have seen God do in our lives.  Think back and remember those miracles.  Tell them to your children.  Write them down so the generations that come will know your stories.  Then they can know that God is real.  Then they can remember that God can be trusted to do what He has promised to do. 

Psalm 78:4 We will...tell to the generations to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.

Ask God to bring these miracles to your mind. Then be sure to write them down on a slip of paper so you can go back to it and write from there.  I often find the Holy Spirit brings things to my mind.  If I write them down I can go back to write from my notes but if I don't write them down then I don't remember the thought anymore! 

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