Thursday, December 29, 2022

 December 30, 2022

Christmas is such a sweet time!  We love the decorations that remind us of the birth of our Saviour, the Christchild.  

This little decoration turned itself on and off at its own choosing this year.  It was such a treat - such a reminder of Christ's presence with me this Christmas season! It would be off, then it would be sparkling away brightly!  

As I take the decorations down the thought comes to me that we must continue to 'seek Him'!

We won't have the bright sparkling decorations as such an easy visual.  So, we must search for Him a little more diligently!  

Let's decorate with things in our home that will help to remind us of Him - that will help us to remember Him and to glorify Him.

Let us spend time in His Word.

Let us be part of a local church where we can grow in the Word, have fellowship with other believers, and serve Him. 

Make sure you seek Him and search for Him!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Those little kind gestures make memories.....

 Often as I go through the doorway of our bedroom I think of the time....

when our sweet little Missy, as a young girl, tried to bring us breakfast in bed one morning. She had quietly fixed us breakfast and held it at our bedroom door.  When she knocked on the door the breakfast spilled and juice went onto the new carpet.  That was years ago and today as I go into our bedroom I don't think of the spilled juice on the carpet - instead I think of the love she showed us by fixing us breakfast.   

Two thoughts here:  when accidents happen - as they will from time to time- don't overreact about the accident.  Clean the mess up and move on.  Don't make someone have a bad memory over an accident.

........And remember to do little acts of kindness that will make positive memories.   

It is the Christmas season now.  Several years ago I fell and broke my kneecap.  I was rather laid up and couldn't get out much.  So Emily and Missy gathered me up, propped my leg up in the back seat of our suburban, packed a picnic lunch, and drove me around La Junta to look at the lights.  We had a great time! That was such a little thing but it made a BIG memory for me.  

We don't need big trips or outings to make great memories - we need little kindness shown every day to have wonderful happy memories!

What can you do today or tomorrow to make a memory for someone this Christmas season?